Global Leader in Re-Refinery Technology Licensing

  • Proprietary CEP-HRX™ catalyst maximizes catalyst life while CEP's performance guarantee minimizes risk.

Feasibility / Cost Estimate

Chemical Engineering Partners provides Cost Estimate and Feasibility Study Services to clients. The typical list of deliverables for the Feasibility Study is as follows:

  1. Design Basis: The client will participate in establishing a basis for the plant design. CEP will establish capacity, feedstock characteristics, product quality and plot space. A questionnaire will be required to get a better understanding of power supply and general site conditions that may affect the design.
  2. Preliminary Process Flow Sheets: The drawings will show major equipment, pumps, exchangers, vessels, etc.
  3. Preliminary Emissions Information: Approximate values for flow rates and composition of effluents will be provided. This information may be sufficient to initiate discussions with local permitting agencies.
  4. Equipment List: Major equipment items will be identified and preliminary equipment sizing will be provided. These are subject to change after detailed simulation models are developed during Basic Engineering.
  5. Cost Estimate:
    1. Estimate Basis - Define procurement preferences and/or limitations (i.e. UK, EU, India, Eastern Europe supply)
    2. Pricing for Major Equipment

  6. Financial Model: A financial model will be developed for the project to facilitate the client's evaluation of alternatives and sensitivities. This will include gross margin and internal rate of return calculations.