Global Leader in Re-Refinery Technology Licensing

  • Proprietary CEP-HRX™ catalyst maximizes catalyst life while CEP's performance guarantee minimizes risk.


Since the mid-1990's, high-quality base oils are produced by the U.S. Oil industry with the use of high severity hydro-processing. Today's automotive engine oil specifications are set to achieve higher fuel economy even while reducing environmental impacts (evaporation losses). As a result, the base oil quality requirements are stringent. Re-refined base oils must meet these higher standards to remain relevant.

In order to remain relevant, hydrotreating is necessary to produce the highest quality base oil. The hydrotreating process accomplishes this by two main processes: 1) the removal of sulfur and nitrogen compounds and 2) the saturation of aromatics and other unsaturated compounds to meet API Group II specifications.


CEP’s hydrotreating process in combination of CEP-HRX™ catalyst allows the production of the best quality of API Group II base oil.

Contact Chemical Engineering Partners today to see how we can help you!